Later we made love
with each other
with acid
with friends
fucking close to water
in Finland and the Marches
then separated
semi detached
(remembering you and C
out first time Welly-dancing
back to our flat then
to find me aslumber sliding
both under duvet by my side
later living apart one night
me with C in your garret
you with D at mine was ours
you both corrupting that poor boy
who wanted only to become a priest
then two time final
after days weeks months unjoined
we Dovetailed in your room
before you headed south and west
and that was the end)
… an end
Begin in your last teen days
you experiencing Earl
then Vicky
where Deck of Cards thrust us
in mutual desperation
into first embrace
into first kiss
then back
back to yours I stayed
that first night we held
but no more not then
just together
until the dawn breaking
waking we made love
17th September 2019 – #5DaysofEros 3 day one, the erotics of beginning